가는 정이 있으면 오는 정이 있다.

“One Good Turn Deserves Another.” [ Literally, “When your affection goes out (to others), (others’) affection comes back (to you)” 가다 to go; 가는 which goes; 정 affection, heart, love; 있다 to be; 있으면 if there is…; 오다 to come; 오는 which comes ]

 – Korean Proverb

*쏜다: A mild slang meaning “It’s one’s treat.”  Informal, casual, often used for a team party after work.  From 쏘다 to shoot.

  • 오늘 저녁은 내가 쏜다! I will buy dinner for all of you this evening! (It’s my treat. I will pay for the team dinner tonight. )

*실례지만 …(verb stem)-ㄹ/을/를 수 있을까요?: Basic expression for asking a favor to a stranger: “Excuse me, may I …. ?”

  • 저, 실례지만 펜 좀 쓸 수 있을까요? Excuse me, may I use your pen?

*옴짝달싹하지 못하다: Can not move at all.  옴싹달싹 is a mimetic adverb that is always followed by 하지 못하다. 

*덜덜 떨다: to shiver, to tremble. 덜덜 is also a mimetic adverb specifically describing the trembling motion.  떨다 to tremble, to shiver (with cold, fear, etc.)

*깜짝 놀랐다: was/were suprised. 깜짝 is an adverb describing a surprise, and almost always followed by 놀라다 to be surprised; 놀랐다 was/were surprised. (verb stem)-ㅆ/었/았다 past tense conjugation. 
