73. How to Talk about an Experience: -ㄴ/은 적 있다/없다; 마당이 있는 집 Lies Hidden in My Garden (2023)
To talk about one’s experience or the absence of it, English speakers would often use the present perfect tense (have + past participle). Koreans simply…
To talk about one’s experience or the absence of it, English speakers would often use the present perfect tense (have + past participle). Koreans simply…
Korean signature sound for speaking about the future is ㄹ. Conjugating a Korean verb in the future tense is a piece of cake. It is…
인어 mermaid sirène sirena sirena sereia Meerjungfrau syrena mořská panna undinė русалка This one is simple. When a syllable that begins with a vowel (denoted…
The moment you are able to say what you want to do in a foreign language, you would also want to say what you don’t…
If you like a foreign language, you should be able to say confidently “I like (something).” The challenge is that we humans have grammatically inconsistent…
Korean has a rich vocabulary including many single-word adjectives to describe various tastes, flavors, and textures of foods. Would you like to learn a few…
I. Verb Conjugation for a Concessive Particle -도 From my previous articles, you may already know that -도 at the end of a verb means…
Marrying in Korea is not the easiest thing to do in your life, as you may have noticed in various K-dramas that vividly depict harrowing…
Long ago, I got very curious about European cuisine. So curious that I decided to learn it from real professionals in Manhattan, in the evening…
Koreans take poems seriously. In fact, it would not be too much of an exaggeration to say that the entire Korean aristocracy during 500 years…
메리 크리스마스, 여러분! 아기 예수님의 사랑이 모노빌리티® 그룹 멤버님들 모두의 마음에, 그리고 여러분의 가족과 나라에 가득하기를 기원합니다. 포근하고 행복한 성탄절 보내세요! [formal register, professional situations]…
Roaming in a country where yelling or even raising the voice in public is considered a social taboo, I have long forgotten that some ordinary…