90. Remembering a Diva, or a Lost Love in Teatro La Fenice, Venice; 날개 by 이상
한 번도 본 적은 없지만 노랫소리 단 몇 초만으로 누군지 알 수 있는 여자. 내 ‘최애’ 뉴요커. 하나밖에 없는 내 영원한 디바. 마리아 칼라스. 난…
한 번도 본 적은 없지만 노랫소리 단 몇 초만으로 누군지 알 수 있는 여자. 내 ‘최애’ 뉴요커. 하나밖에 없는 내 영원한 디바. 마리아 칼라스. 난…
“보고 싶었어요” literally means “I wished to see you (again)” [ 보다 to see; (verb stem) +고 싶다 wish to … ; -었다 past tense…
“There is” and “There is not” are one of the first things we learn in a foreign language. They address “existential” questions all the more…
There are several different ways to say the adjective “true” in Korean. 1. Attributive (modifying the noun that follows it): 2. Predicative (modifying the subject…
By now, you would know the basic structure of Korean syntaxes if you followed and studied my articles for the last few years. And some…
Your teachers or textbooks may tell you simply that Korean possessive adjectives are 나의, 내 (my), 너의, 네 (your), and 우리, 우리의 (our), etc. But…
When I was little, I was taught that Koreans were well known for their love and pride for 한글 and the Korean language. Alas, that…
This neighborhood was my turf as an ambitious young man who changed everything in life by coming here, to Paris, the epicenter of Western civilization…
Long before BTS and Blackpink, ordinary Koreans sang songs called “가곡 (歌曲),” which can be best translated as either “gagok” or “Korean Art Song” in…
Rhyme is a concept reserved for poetry in European languages, generally speaking. It is not often used in Korean poetry, mainly due to the agglutinative…
메리 크리스마스, 여러분! 아기 예수님의 사랑이 모노빌리티® 그룹 멤버님들 모두의 마음에, 그리고 여러분의 가족과 나라에 가득하기를 기원합니다. 포근하고 행복한 성탄절 보내세요! [formal register, professional situations]…
Roaming in a country where yelling or even raising the voice in public is considered a social taboo, I have long forgotten that some ordinary…