Roaming in a country where yelling or even raising the voice in public is considered a social taboo, I have long forgotten that some ordinary real Koreans may yell and curse. Well, until I witnessed 이세영’s strikingly amusing action in the video below, which makes a stark contrast with her ever dainty Royal Consort Uibin’s role in ‘The Red Sleeve (2021).’  Thanks to her incredible performance, you might also witness how angry Koreans yell and scream.

You may also observe how typical Koreans calm down an angry person – by offering a cup of cold water, like moms do for their little kids. Perhaps this seemingly kind custom is how Koreans have been spoiling their children and ruining their anger management skills.

Please also note that 삿대질 (finger pointing as a physical action, not figuratively) is considered very rude, even more insulting than yelling in Korea. In some other cultures in the world, in America for example, friends or friendly colleagues may point fingers casually or habitually in public, but in Korea, no. It’s a taboo.  Koreans point fingers at you ONLY when they are angry, starting a big fight, like 이세영 does in the video, or as many other K-dramas revealed to you. If you still do it in Korea by any chance, well, average Koreans wouldn’t cut your finger, but many of them would feel offended solely by that action, even if you don’t verbally insult or raise your voice.

DISCLAIMER: I take no responsibility for any confrontations, fights, violence, injury, or lawsuits you may get yourself into after reading this article.  Also, if you are hypersensitive to cursing and verbal abuse, you do not have to read the following. 

나가, 지금!

Get out now!

야!  [ This interjection may serve as a Korean declaration of fight, temper tantrum, or any type of yelling and screaming ]

이런 조카 십팔색 크레파스같은 새끼*가!

You f**k’n little bastard! [ Literally, “This bastard as little as my nephew’s 18 color crayon!”  However, there is more to this new funny expression, which seems to be a new coinage that sounds rather like “This son of a bitch who should be f**k’in circumcized like an 18 color set of crayons!” ] 

조카 nephew, niece [ sounds like 좆 까! which is an extremely vulgar invective meaning “Get circumsized!” or rather literally, “Go get your penis peeled!” ]

18 (십팔 in sino-Korean pronunciation) [ sounds like 씹할 which is another extremely vulgar and severe, and still popular invective which means “f**king” which has become equally popular in today’s English.  To avoid sounding like cursing inadvertently, many Korean ladies and gents prefer to switch to “열 여덟” (pure Korean number pronunciation) whenever they have to say the number 18. ]

친구라고 오냐 오냐 해줬더니, 

I’ve been letting you have your way, just because we’re friends

너 이게 장난같애?

Does this look like a joke to you now?

내가 우스워?

Am I a pushover?

왜 다 맞춰 준대도 깐죽깐죽 지랄*이야, 지랄*이!

Why do you f**k’n flip out and quibble about everything, when I say I’ll give you whatever you want?  [ 깐죽깐죽 is a mimetic adverb for abrasive and annoying behaviors such as nitpicking, quibbling, teasing or mocking continuously; 지랄 is an extremely vulgar invective that describes any provocative, agitating or disrupting behavior or actions. ]

적당히 해, 적당히!  알았어?

Do it moderately, Okay?


Cold water

저, 사장님 열 좀 식히시라고

Well, Miss Kim, so you can calm down




우리의 친애하는 건물주님께 

Would you tell our dear building owner

이제 그만 윗층으로 올라가시라고 전해 줄래요?

that he may go upstairs now?

 – 법대로 사랑하라 (The Law Cafe) 2022, Ep. 2

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