22: How to Talk with an Angry Girlfriend or Wife, in Korean Way - 싸이코지만 괞찮아 (It’s Okay to Not Be Okay, 2020)
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Ah, nostalgia. 추억. 회상. 그리움. 향수. The bittersweetness of reminiscing and regretting all things past is one of the good things about human memory (기억). …
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In East Asian history, it is well known that Koreans have enjoyed singing and dancing since the ancient times. Koreans’ musical talent has had international…
Roaming in a country where yelling or even raising the voice in public is considered a social taboo, I have long forgotten that some ordinary…
Je vois que certains d’entre vous aimeraient apprendre le coréen depuis le début. Vous aimez la Corée, alors vous aimeriez aussi parler la langue. Tant…